
Showing posts with the label Poway optometrist

Poway Eye Doctor provides essential eye care tips during winter

    People who have a sensitive body tend to have various problems in winter. Their skin gets very dry, eyes get teary and hands and feet get cold. Winter does affect the health of the eye and can cause problems. Harsh winds during winter can cause itchiness and dry eyes. People cannot avoid the weather completely, but they can consider a few measures to protect their eyes. They should keep their body hydrated during winter to maintain healthy eyes. Replacing beverages that have caffeine and tea with green tea, water, and lemon water will benefit the eye in great ways. People can use warm washcloth compression on their eyes to regain the moisture in the eyes. People with dry eyes use it widely as they experience tear secretion. The warm washcloth compression soothes itchiness, swollen eyes, and irritation. It also improves the vision of the person. It's necessary to take extra care of an eye as they change because of the weather.  Reduce excessive tearing of eyes ...

Few ways to keep contact lenses clean by Poway eye clinic

  Contact lenses are worn by people for vision correction or aesthetic purposes. Proper care should be taken as they impact the health of the eyes. Contact lenses should be kept clean and away from dirt. Unclean contact lenses could harm the eye and cause serious eye infections and vision problems. Keeping contact lenses clean will also make them last longer.    The danger related to unhealthy contact lenses  People should be aware of the risk and precautions of contact lenses. It's better to prevent damage to the eyes by taking care of the contact lenses. Eye drops that are used by people while wearing their contact lenses should be approved by the doctor. If not, it could cause problems to the eyes. The drops should be recommended and prescribed by an eye doctor. The contact lenses should be new and have a perfect fit for the eye. Contact lenses that aren’t suitable and old should be thrown away. Cleaning contact lenses People should clean their contact len...

Poway eye doctor protects the eyesight of children

  Children should be allowed to develop better vision through regular checkups. Regular eye examinations are necessary and important for the growth of the child. Many children have healthy eyes but sometimes might come across an eye infection or irritation due to an underlying problem. An eye doctor will identify and treat the problem effectively. Doctors will make the child comfortable and prepare them for an eye examination. They will go through the medical history and go to the root cause of the problem.   Symptoms of vision problem in children Children might be unaware of the symptoms related to their eyes. Parents should pay close attention to their child's behavior and the way they look at objects. Some symptoms are mild and unable to detect at the start, while some are clear as a crystal. Children suffering from eye problems will come across:   Childhood vision problems that pass on from generations within the family. Children who squint and turn...

Selecting the right Scripps Ranch eye doctor

  A visit to the Scripps Ranch eye doctor is important, because the medical practitioner will diagnose your vision to ensure that they are fine, and there isn’t an issue. But nowadays if you just take a look at the available options in eye doctors, you will get confused while selecting one, because there are multiple options available. In that case, if you want to visit the best eye doctor in your locality, then you should consider a few elements, such as:   Qualifications of the eye doctor   If you are looking to visit the best eye doctor that is available in your locality, then you should start by checking the qualifications of the eye doctor. The eye doctor you will be visiting should be well-qualified, they should at least have a bachelor's degree in the field of optometry. You can even ask the eye doctor about the certifications because they will ensure that the doctor is qualified enough for doing this job. Testimonials and feedback   Yet another cruci...

Factors to consider while choosing a Scripps Ranch eye clinic

  If you want to get your eyes checked or treated, then you would always want to visit the best Scripps Ranch eye clinic that is situated in your locality. This is because you don’t want to risk your vision health by visiting an ordinary eye care clinic. So, if you want to visit the right eye care clinic, then here are a few factors to consider:   Location of the clinic:  One of the most crucial factors to consider while choosing an eye care clinic is the location. You should check out the location of the clinic before visiting it. The reason behind it is, you don’t want to drive for a couple of hours just to visit the eye doctor. Also, if the eye care clinic is located in your area, then you can visit the eye care clinic easily and according to your convenience. Therefore, you should check the location of the clinic before visiting it. Working hours:  It is important to check the working hours of the eye car...